Revenge of the tango - The Traveller


Monday, August 15, 2011

Revenge of the tango

The tango, a victim of those who made the "label Argentine tourist" par excellence, has long been disparaged by the young Porteños. Over the past decade, however, the tango was renewed in approaching the underground music scene in the capital. At first confined to the circle of the great maestros of tango, it is now being rediscovered by new generations of dancers from Argentina. "For ten years, the tango again became fashionable, especially among young people. The tango is a dance that reveals how we think, "said Martin, 23 years young dancer.

Omar Viola is an important player in this new stage of the tango. Actor and producer of theater off-Corrientes, an area of ​​alternative theaters near Corrientes Avenue, he renewed the genre. The curious can visit the Parakultural to see a tango dancer explosive starring Maria Pantuso, actor Olkar Ramirez and DJ and radio producer Luis Tarantino.

The group offers Las MUNACA, meanwhile, a tango punk trend. The spirit of the famous dancer Carlos Gardel Toulouse but this is revisited by a key underground. The group performed in the milonga La Catedral, very close to the spirit of Parakultural. The place, where the decoration is made of salvage, not unlike the spirit of tango in the suburbs of the early century.

In Palermo, attend dances organized by the DJ's and Horacio Godoy Dogui Herrador with the dancers and Cecilia Troncoso Luis Solanas. DJ Horacio Godoy offers a set mixing tango with rock and roll, the chacarera, jazz and cumbia. But it is in the cultural Torcato Tasso, opposite the Parque Lezama legendary, along with Hernan Moya Federico Greco and you find your happiness. These two dances attract a crowd of young people interested in the new scene of tango. He reigns sometimes a kind of mass hysteria. It includes groups such as Orchestra Color Tango, El Arranque, Los Reyes del Compas or Los Señores del Tango.

Tango keeps its essence, despite the abuse that some may cause, renewing itself and evolving. The new scene of dancers opted for the fusion of styles. Young people are rediscovering the dance well and enjoy them. They realize that the character "wild" of the old tango is not far from the reality of some underground music scene. The rockers, the Rolling, and sometimes identify the time of a show for young tangueristes who defied the morals at the beginning of the century with their hair slicked back, their just-in-hand and heels.

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