
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Know the Bicentennial Museum in Pink

A faint musty smell persists among its twists and turns, as if the last 200 years the history of Argentina also breathe. However, everything is high tech in the Bicentennial Museum President Cristina Fernandez inaugurated on 24 May with a year late.

The museum, located behind the Casa Rosada, below the current level of the streets, occupies the exact space in which he was the Fort of Buenos Aires in the early eighteenth century and Customs Taylor. And it keeps the brick walls standing from the original construction in 1855.

This is a restored and recovered "with architectural and archaeological heritage rigor," said the agency Telam its director, Juan Jose Ganduglia. This essence seems to breathe in the thick air of a building underground. And that is a spacious, 5,000 square meters, with some spaces with ceilings and glass walls that give an intense luminosity.

The proposal includes a tour of 200 years of history since the Revolution of May 1810 until today, with a fascinating display on the current Kirchner administration that began in 2003, under President Nestor Kirchner.

For each stage presents numerous historical artifacts, archaeological samples, as well as video displayed on large screens and plasma televisions, interactive displays and photographs.
All with impeccable audio system.

Because of its arcades, where several grenadiers seasoning adds a historical, young museum are attentive to the request of any visitor. And of course, very aware of not taking flash pictures.

Thus, exposure can be seen in one of the cars Justicialista Gran Sport, 1954, plus some vintage cars, including one used Hipolito Yrigoyen. There are also several posters of Eva and Juan Domingo Peron, Hector Campora, and photographs of the presidency of Raul Alfonsin, Carlos Menem and Néstor and Cristina Kirchner. The oil portrait of Peron and Evita, made by a French-Argentine portrait for former President occupies a central place in this journey.

Another salient elements is a Hebe de Bonafini handkerchief stained with blood from the beatings in one of the demonstrations. In addition, images are displayed in San Miguel Archangel, who belonged to the old Fort of Buenos Aires, and the Virgin of Santa Maria del Buen Ayre.

Also on display are the presidential chair used by President James Derqui in 1860, a cabinet chosen and purchased by Sarmiento in New York that year, and details of the costumes of caracteríticos Hipólito Yrigoyen and Arturo Frondizi.

The section that tells the story of Kirchner in office is filled with images of marriage, and a chair used by both the president's office. And the video that features this stage is merely suggestive: it speaks of the "great economic growth" that raged since 2003, boasts of the achievements of Nestor and Cristina, and stresses that its period is the "largest development cycle
200 years of national history. " A curious detail: no mention of the death of Kirchner on October 27, 2010.

Visitors. When through him, on Friday at noon, there were several people visiting the site, including a group of students from an elementary school. So many were taking a coffee in the picturesque confectionery appropriate to the aesthetics and located in one of the arcades: the entrance is a large brick arch original eighteenth century building, with some bars commemorating the structures of that time.

In front of the confectionery, a group of people lining up to enter the place where you installed the mural "Plastic Army," by Mexican artist David Siqueiros in 1930. This is a mural that was done in the basement of the home of Natalio Botana, then director of the newspaper Crítica. For 16 years he was housed in four containers in the locality of San Justo, a legal dispute, until the government expropriated.

The museum entrance is free. Visiting hours are Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 18. Admission is by Hipolito Yrigoyen and Paseo Colon. 

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