
Friday, August 12, 2011

First World Festival of the Earth

The association Terralliance just given birth to the first World Festival of the Earth, making his first steps June 20 to 26 Under the sign of ecology, solidarity and peace, the festival will take place simultaneously in France and in over thirty countries. The program of festivities: concrete actions for the environment, symbolic marches for peace, forums, concerts, community picnics ... Round and around the world. Come on, all together for the baptism of the Earth!

I act for my planet

The depletion of energy resources, the North-South imbalances, adverse effects of climate change, environmental issues and health, 30% of the world population living below the poverty line, many topics that can leave us indifferent. It is from this observation that the young Terralliance association, founded in 2004, decided to take action and alert as many as part of a world event. It is launching the 20 to 26 June the first World Festival of the Earth, with the support of many personalities (Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Edgar Morin, Pierre Rabhi, Jean-Marie Pelt ...), associations and NGOs (Nicolas Hulot Foundation, Amnesty International, Greenpeace ...). The festival is intended to bring together many national and international initiatives, existing or created for this occasion, for the protection of the planet and solidarity. Educate all citizens to respect our planet and cause changes in everyday behavior, create solidarity networks (local and global), the emergence of economic and alternative energy solutions ... The objectives of this festival. "We must be the change we want to see in the world," said Gandhi. Every individual, association, company, community was invited to implement constructive actions and symbolic about the respect and the consciousness of the Earth, the awareness of sustainable development and solidarity between human beings. The festival of the Earth, which will be renewed every year at the same time, is a process of mobilization around the world in which all actors-citizens will be able to speak for seven days.

Seven days, seven themes

Help harmonize, hope, respect, create, celebrate, connect will be the watchwords of the week. Nice program, right? Each day of the week is a theme of the festival of the Earth, a theme that can easily capture the environmental citizen through his daily life. The first day of the festival, Monday, June 20, will be the Earth Day solidarity: the collection of food, medicine, clothing, toys, tools and equipment used in all kinds for the benefit of poor countries will be organized. Earth solidarity also rhymes with "solidarity economy": as consumers, we can focus on fair trade, respect of small producers. June 21 is a day celebrated in hundreds of countries such as the World Day of Peace, but it is also the feast of music: peaceful gatherings, round tables in favor of peace, concerts will take place "under ascending energy of the summer solstice. " Wednesday, June 22 will be dedicated to children around the world. Priority will be given to the rights and aspirations of children, assistance to organizations that support (collections, visits to orphanages and hospitals ...). Children are invited to draw their planet as part of a national design workshop on the theme of "My Land I love you." Thursday, June 23, spring cleaning on the planet! On this day earth clean, good-bye to the car, waste and pollution and live sorting, collective cleaning and maintenance of natural sites! Experts will also meet to discuss topics related to environmental news. Friday 24, cities, villages are adorned with banners, garlands and artistic works: the day art in all its forms. Exhibitions of painting and sculpture, dance and drama, entertainment, cultural exchanges will follow one another. On Saturday, June 25, all in unison for the International Day of the festival! In the capitals and cities of the world, giant concerts celebrating the Earth will be organized. At midnight, local time in each country, adult choirs and children will perform the anthem of the festival, Save the Earth, composed for the occasion. Mother Earth will be honored Sunday, June 26: Large group picnics to be in contact with nature and share the products of the earth. A symbolic distribution of seeds and tree planting will take place. The first festival of the Earth will end with large round people, symbols of harmony and solidarity among men.

In the heart of the festival

More than thirty countries on five continents participating in the festival of the Earth. Terralliance Association estimates that 700,000 to one million French people will hear about the festival. Extrapolating to the thirty participating countries, about 20 million people are expected to be affected by the messages of this global event, it's what they want! In France, some thirty cities are mobilized to organize 150 events. It offers a taste of some destinations, from France to Madagascar through Switzerland and Benin ... Non-exhaustive list of course! In Paris, you can attend the June 20 screening of a documentary film about fair trade or a round table, June 23, on the theme "Learning Sustainability" with Pierre Rabhi, president of the Earth & Humanism. 

 On Saturday, June 25, go up the nation for the Parade of Hope, works great for a peaceful world to the Bois de Vincennes. The Reuilly host a huge picnic Sunday, June 26, where participants will be made by hand to create the largest human round the world! Further south, in the Haute-Garonne, 22 events are planned in honor of the planet. Thursday, June 23, participate in a large clean timber of Barthe Pibrac with children in college Timber Barthe. Friday, June 24, discover the Jardin des Plantes in Toulouse, Kalarippayat, a martial art practiced in Kerala multimillennial southwest of India. Toulouse plays the same extensions as the storyteller Charlou provides a lively ride from Toulouse to Vielha, in the Catalan Pyrenees at a rate of ten miles a day in July. In steps, children can take a little water in a fountain or a wash house, transport it to Vielha and flush to the source of the Garonne. If you are in Switzerland, you can take a nap in the park of Mon Repos in Lausanne, listening to electronic music relaxing in the shade of an ancient tree (June 21), draw a giant mandala with children, composed of leaves, earth and stones (June 22) or, for the most courageous, clean the shores of Lake Geneva on June 23 On the other side of the equator, Madagascar's capital Antananarivo organizes, among other things, a visit to the Children's Hospital on June 20, activities in schools with UNESCO on June 22, an operation cleansing in neighborhoods and public parks on 23 and 26, food distributions. Benin, a small country on the west coast of Africa made it big: a large caravan will cross the country from north to south and the week of the festival will be dedicated to the sick and disadvantaged.

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