
Monday, August 15, 2011

Buena onda and art of recycling

From the vast majority of immigration, Porteños have always been able to use their imagination and resourcefulness from the vagaries of history. Thus, new systems were put in place after the great crisis of 2001 that brought the economy down. Most hotels and factories have resumed their activities with the inventiveness and tenacity of the Argentines. Thousands of workers have recovered and revived their companies into bankruptcy. Instead of becoming unemployed, they preferred the restart collectively organizing themselves into cooperatives. A management alternative is called here the "toma" (recovery).

Hotel Bauen (pictured), who suffered the brunt of the crisis is a good example. In 2001, this chic in the heart of Buenos Aires close to the street, leaving more than a hundred workers without explanation. After the shock and anger, former employees come together and reflect on the possibility to take over the management of the hotel. In 2003, the Hotel Bauen is reinvested: the place is very run down and has neither running water or electricity. Employees bought furniture and hotel equipment. They learn management on the job and reopen the doors in 2004. The hotel now has a lounge, a restaurant and a cultural area very popular with Porteños. It is supported by all social organizations in the country.

As the hotel Bauen, many companies have been included in a self-managed by workers in Argentina. In general, these were medium-sized businesses the most diverse sectors: food, textiles, clothing, glass industry and paper, aluminum recycling. The National Movement of companies taken over by workers (MNER) was formed officially in 2002. Today the country is better, but social insecurity remains. The Argentines have learned from their history that crises are cyclical.

Despite fluctuations in the economy, which depresses more than one European people, Buenos Aires has managed to keep his irresistible desire to seduce. When darkness sets in, young people to conquer a space-time which they alone have the secret. La buena onda porteña charm and invites the visitor to get lost in the bustle of the city. Miniskirts and tight jeans are out. Entire neighborhoods are starting to come alive: Palermo Viejo, where in the afternoon, the terraces and bars are full to bursting, but Palermo "Soho" Palermo "Hollywood", San Telmo and Puerto Madero. Buenos Aires is a city where the party never ends and where the new concepts to take advantage of the night are not made to wait.

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