Before departure Antigua and Barbuda - The Traveller


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Before departure Antigua and Barbuda

Useful addresses

In France

- Tourist Office Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda: 43 Avenue de Friedland, 75008 Paris. Tel. : 01-53-96-93-96 (embassy). Tel. : 01-53-75-15-71 (tourist office).
Do not expect necessarily much of the tourist office, is only concerned with the promotion of luxury establishments.


- Permanent Mission of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States: St. Livorno 42, 1000 Brussels.

Tel. (02) 534-26-11.
Email: ecs.embassies @

The organization represents six States of the Lesser Antilles, including Antigua, and three British dependencies.


- Permanent Mission of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States: 37-39 rue de Vermont-Nations, 1203 Geneva.

Tel. (22) 733-77-75.
Email: @ cs.embassies

In Canada

- High Commission for the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS): 130 Albert Street, Suite 700. Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4-.

Tel. : (613) 236-8952.

- Antigua and Barbuda Department of Tourism & Trade 60 St. Claire Avenue East, Suite 304. Toronto, Ontario M4T 1N5-.

Tel. (416) 961-3085.



Citizens of member countries of the European Union and the Swiss do not need a visa for a stay of less than 6 months. The passport must be valid at least 6 months. It may be necessary, on arrival, to present a return ticket or onward, and to state where you live.

In case of transit through the United States, be sure to have a passport that meets the requirements of U.S. authorities, because you need to clear customs before your flight (allow at least one hour delay). It is necessary to qualify for the visa waiver program to obtain an electronic travel authorization (ESTA) at least 3 days before departure. The response is usually immediate, but the procedure is now paying off.

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