
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kia Ora -Bay of Plenty The most beautiful place on earth

I was glad to discover New Zealand with all the beauties of the landscape in my own way and leave my city behind me. Before arrival I've use a guide put together a customized itinerary that I wanted to take the bus across the country leave. - Short-anticipated, this plan was changed at least five times and added to other places on my list. - Since I had bought a bus ticket with 50 hours, it had to be carefully considered what I wanted to look at everything. The plan was only time to travel a bit to see where you can linger and then go to work on.

It went from Auckland to Coromandel with the ferry, which was to follow the Bay of Plenty (North Coast of the North Island). This area is for me personally the most beautiful in New Zealand. Now l had been reached and I somehow found myself in the middle of nowhere. That's totally contrary to my native situation. I see walking on course in Coromandel and hardly a soul, so completely different than in the metropolis. One learns quickly that have the Kiwis (people from New Zealand) is a completely different attitude to time, because here everything seems to run off more relaxed - is perhaps the most shining sun.

Finding a suitable accommodation was simple, because after arriving in New Zealand I have a BBH card - says Backpacker Card (you get discounts on many things) and bought a booklet given to all registered accommodations such as hostels do so. It is usually sufficient if a day earlier at the backpackers among the most free telephone numbers to call and reserve a bed in the desired neighborhood.

In the summer time one should always call in advance, as well as families like to use the accommodation can be booked under the circumstances. Since I had arrived there in the spring, I had no problems but you can go directly on good luck to backpackers. After 2 days I tried out the bus company (also free hotline) call, called my customer number and said where I would like to climb. This all works quite smoothly.

Then it went on to Whitianga, where I climbed the Shakespeare Cliff, visited Cathedral Cove and enjoyed the scenery. I travelled from there to Tauranga and Mount Maunganui. It is the epitome of the ideal location that combines the beauty of incredible scenery and the beach together. It is undoubtedly one of my favorite place in the world. Probably you can understand this only if you were once in New Zealand because it is hard to put into words.What I know at the time still could not - this country would change my life completely.

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