Winter holiday in Germany - The Traveller


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Winter holiday in Germany

First snowdrops poke their heads through the earth, the sky is blue, and the sun finally warm again - spring has returned. However, one should not forget the winter.
Yeah, sure, I know. I can understand now who gestured with his hands, looks down her nose and "Please do not!" shouts. But when spring shows in Germany its first buds and all so now have much better mood, you cannot forget the winter. Though it has removed its winter coat now and happily in the closet, but the next will follow back soon.

We all have imagined just sun, beach and palm trees in mind, looking forward to a few sunny months of travel. Nevertheless, comes the next winter holiday, and with him. Winter vacation is now preferred. That is, if you book your winter vacation now, you rejoice in the fall of thieving, because you can make a cheap, great holiday.

Therefore, my little tip today on the edge: Think now of the winter, not only when it is too late and the tour operator you the money last minute deals with desperate lure and pull the money out of pocket. It is really worthwhile, since you can save a lot!

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