Very Multicultural Sao Paulo - The Traveller


Monday, June 20, 2011

Very Multicultural Sao Paulo

With 19 million inhabitants, Sao Paulo limp is world number five of the largest cities and is the largest city in Brazil. Despite the entire big-city atmosphere, the attentive visitor will find some special and beautiful corners in it. Sao Paulo is particularly famous for the many multicultural influences of Portuguese, Italian, Japanese and German immigrants. One example is how neighborhoods or Bexiga Bras. Many Italians live in them and form the city's life through street parties and (of course) many Italian restaurants. In Sao Paulo live about 6 million Italians, more than any other city in the world - including Rome! Once a year the Italian community celebrates the "Festa de Sao Vito," with more than 60,000 visitors: Who for 9 € for an Italian 5 - course menu at its best wishes to pay, should stop by here Sao Paulo.
In the district of Liberdade, one finds again primarily Japanese influences. If you are lucky you can be there when the Star Festival (Tanabata) is celebrated by the Japanese - even here there are thousands of visitors and offers that are of typical dances, movies, decorations even include origami workshops.

The German influence is not to be overlooked. There are German schools and kindergartens, several German-language periodicals and over again to get to places and buildings are named after Humboldt. About 400,000 people of German descent living in the Greater So Paulo, and who suddenly after too much rice and beans feels hunger for sauerkraut and apple strudel, may find refuge in a German restaurant.

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