As soon as Easter is over, occupying armies, good-natured old man with snow-white beard, the supermarket shelves as a laying hen battery. In a flamboyant red coat clad, they lie in wait on us. You smile friendly when the last time we buy barbecue meat in September, they are a mischievous look to throw in October, when it must exist, and the rogue flashes in her eyes when finally, finally, the Christmas is coming, and now we need.
All year long they've been waiting, have been eaten at the lake undignified and smeared the mouths of small boys on Halloween. But now their time has come. Now we are their servants - the festival of love no one can resist ...
It of course requires some chutzpah to go on over Christmas: the many family visits in fall, and possibly even one's also designed as a malignancy, although it is an act of grace yet.
Those who want to avoid the crash can easily rent one of the many mountain huts, which are offered by business-minded Swiss on Christmas Day. In some you can share with up to 30 people - possibly enough space to silence the alleged whiners by being easy with it. Thus, a family vacation but also something nice.
Sitting And while the other is the Advent wreath and sing quiet songs or "Little Lord Fauntleroy" look, can down toboggan you yodeling the pasture, make funny alpine hikes and do some things that you would not normally try: it's no one there - the all sit at home and munch Christmas cake.
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