The tiny island nation located in the western Pacific near Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands. Along the beach you can walk around the Democratic Republic comfortably in one day on foot. The average annual temperature is 27.5 °, and the best Nauru run around in shorts and colorful shirts. As they grow themselves hardly anything to the food supply is composed of the available and canned fish.
The mainland of Nauru is actually the summit of some ancient, extinct volcano. Dinosaurs, giant birds and seagulls were flying over it, usually without pay tribute to the idyllic atoll of a look. Instead, they emptied their bowels over millions of years. The manure stored away, layer by layer, and went through a number of exciting chemical reactions, until it finally covered the island surface as a meter-thick layer of phosphate. For a small eternity, no one knew about it.
Germany 1888, the successor to the imperial century, Nauru had summarily annexed. In 1900, the phosphate was officially discovered, the industrial mining began.
The Nauru saw precious little of the profits: After the First World War, the island went to the English, and most recently to Australia, Nauru thus the colony was but a colony.
When they gained independence from Australia in 1968, decided the Head Chief Hammer DeRoburt that phosphate mining is flourishing now nationalized. The small nation of Nauru Phosphate from building his own, and phosphate is scarce until the nineties of last century Nauru had the second highest per capita incomes in the world. The degradation of the raw material made from approximately 80% of the gross domestic product.
The Nauru was rich at once, because they were now the masters of the phosphate fields. Finally, they wanted to benefit from the resource wealth of their homeland.
The government waived taxes or fees; the health care system was free. Although the island only a modest 29 Kilometer asphalt road permit, had every Nauru 2-3 cars and a motorboat. They were celebrating like and often, they imported fantastic stuff. Occasionally, Nauru also flew to Australia to go shopping. Nauru afforded a branch of the "University of the South Pacific" and built an office tower in Melbourne, the "Nauru Tower.
The phosphate mining was so lucrative that you do not even have to work on a regular basis - filed a few hours a day. As told earlier food is imported and they are mostly canned. The population of Nauru had soon an average BMI (Body Mass Index) of 40, more than 25 is considered overweight, about 35% of the adult population suffer from diabetes today.
But in the mid-nineties were the phosphate deposits were exhausted and in a few months Nauru drastically impoverished. The phosphate mines were abandoned on the asphalt streets were bursting, which were cars with empty tanks around on the beach. The airline, "Air Nauru", went bankrupt - between December 2005 and September 2006, the island state of more or less cut off from the outside world. It now flies with the aid of Taiwan, "Our Airline".
Now trying to reorganize the economy on tourism and fishing, especially the latter with only middling success. Although one has asked Iceland to help develop a fishing industry and fishing Nauru many years already.
Regarding tourism, it's more like it: The small island has become a real insider tip, but it offers picturesque beaches and a warm, pleasant climate all year round. Certainly one should not go swimming there because sometimes attacks by Jellyfish and the arms of these poisonous jellyfish can have up to 30 meters long.