These little tips that support us all day long, and can have anywhere drice us their personality and we can spoil the most beautiful journey. So take care of our little personal mode of locomotion!
Did you know ...
At birth, the feet are perfect in 99% of cases. Reached adulthood, the condition of your feet deteriorate. Whose fault? Many experts believe that wearing shoes is largely responsible for some miseries such as corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, etc.. Remember it takes 10 years for bone growth occurs in the foot and nearly 20 years as the heel is finished.
If, for example, you are a man of 75 kilos and if your occupation is moderately strenuous walk you to your feet about 12 miles a day and hammering you deal with a total weight of over 1000 tons. If you are a small woman inside a little active, it's 15 km walk and some 1500 tonnes of shock as you make them suffer. So do not be surprised if your poor feet sometimes rebel and yell "Help!". It is their way of protesting against continuous pressure.
A tip: do not turn mostly amateur surgeon or pediatrician; avoid remedies "good woman". Hell, they say, is full of good intentions and you will discover some facets if you're not careful. By following the tips outlined in this article, you will give your feet comfort and well-being. While some pain persists, consult a professional.
I know that ...
Always cut toenails right for cutting rounded promotes ingrown toenails.
Wearing shoes too small or too narrow, and high heels that are dragging the foot forward aggravate the onions; A bunion is that chronic inflammation of the bursa that covers the joint protector and this inflammation is caused by the friction of the shoe
Why do you have 5 toes ...
The five toes of your feet are used as support points. During the march, they constitute a kind of springboard: the body weight is supported by the heel when it hits the ground. He then moves quickly along the outer edge of the foot toward the heel inside then moves to the big toe, which serves as a propellant.
By plane ...
Feet tend to swell. Choose shoes a little loose which will allow your feet to grow without pain;
In a relatively short trip, do not remove your shoes;
Make exercise your feet from time to time, a simple rotation of the ankle ten times in the direction of the clockwise and ten times in the opposite direction.
After a walk ...
If you have time, you can soak your feet in warm water 15 to 20 minutes. It should then dry your feet well, especially between the toes. Then coat them with a baby powder, readily available if you have forgotten at home. It has the advantage of being highly absorbent. For better relaxation, you can prepare your "foot bath" a little warmer and infuse for 5 minutes two tea bags. Not unless you want more stain!
Walking barefoot ... Danger!
Walking barefoot can cause athlete's foot especially in the bathrooms and above the poolside
you bring slippers that will serve you much for the bathroom that you get to the hotel pool, the whirlpool or sauna
Foot-and Seawater
There are pros and cons - look at the advantages: a good walk on the seaside, feet in water provide a wonderful well-being because the feet are massaged by the waves die on the sand;
By cons, some people develop an allergy to seawater and their feet swell. In the latter case, lie on your back, no pillow, and raise the legs from the knees, above the head, using pillows. Stay in this position for 15 min. or a nap. You can even prevent some problems in maintaining this position for the night.
Feet and sun
The top of the foot is very sensitive - if you make long exposures to sunlight, enter your toes in the cool sand to protect them when they begin to feel ashamed. This is particularly evident in Peru and Uruguay while the sun shines at an angle to the ground direct and powerful. If, despite precautions, you have a sunburn, use the miracle cure people of the islands: a tomato slice maintained for 5 minutes. Extraordinary!
After feet, shoes
Whether you're cruising, hiking, tour, cottage or the beach, before you close your suitcase, be sure your feet are your primary concern. Remember they have their own requirements and they will let you know their moods if your choice was poorly reasoned. Through the day or evening in inappropriate shoes can make you miserable and ruin any vacation.
The choice of shoes ... about the destination and raw!
Check World Passport or your travel agent, what kind of shoes go. I give you, as examples, some clues:
* In Peru, Uruguay, the sun is very strong with a heel strike on top of the foot. Choose a shoe cover;
* In Lisbon, Portugal, you're in a city built on seven hills with sidewalks and uneven cobblestone streets. Choose a shoe flat rubber sole;
* In Cozumel, Mexico, the soil is red clay - avoid shoes with white or pale least seek a dye!
* In countries with sand, choose a shoe tightly closed, laced, avoid sandals, shoes with patterned holes because the sand seeps and irritating;
* In the jungle, a favorite type "boot" that goes up to the ankle to keep out weeds, snakes and other inconveniences;
For city tours on foot, long walks, opt for sneakers with cotton socks, foot powder well;
The sandals made of plastic, vinyl, are excellent at the seaside, near the pool but for walking, it must first powdering the feet well before putting them on, the plastic in contact with skin and Heat creates clammy skin that turns very often blisters.
Buying Tips
Always buy the afternoon your shoes because the foot has grown. When you try a pair in the morning, it might seem close to the end of the day.
For you gentlemen
Choose a regular jogging shoes for long walks
Opt for a "loafer", which can be worn with a casual dress, a blazer or a suit chic. It has the advantage of being made wider and without pressure on top of the foot. If the foot swells by plane or by fatigue, your foot will be less stress. Not closed above, not laced, it also allows the foot to breathe, preventing perspiration ... and bulbs.
Bring leather slippers that fold and take up little space for the bathroom, pool, or even fit in your hand luggage if you are on a long airplane trip and you do not travel first class.
After feet, shoes ... low!
Choose absorbent socks made of cotton and not synthetic;
The tennis socks are good because they are cotton, padded - to avoid friction under the foot - and absorbent
Remember ... when the foot goes, everything goes!
I still remember that, although floor, I walked in the mountains in Peru. I left the group and decided to walk back to the hotel, leaving those who lag behind to take the bus. I made the trip in 90 minutes, raised by a feeling of intense well-being. As I walked, I realized admirable capacity of the human body. Since I have never forgotten that feeling and offered myself the joy of a walk whenever I had the chance.
Felix Leclerc to borrow the words of her song
"I have traveled extensively my shoes ..."
They lead me to wonder today as yesterday :)