Broads -Magical Waterland of Britain
The Broads is the magical water land of Britain which is a beautiful environment of inland lakes that have been formed from medieval peat excavations and subsequently flooded. They are a network of navigable rivers and lakes in the English counties of Suffolk and Norfolk. It is made up of forty three separate Broads and six rivers which are connected by more than 200 km of lock free navigable waterways and due to its wild expanse of shallow lakes, woodland, grazing marshes and fen, is home to several of the rarest plants as well as wildlife in UK inclusive of colourful swallow tail butterfly and the enchanting white water lily.
The Broads and a few of the surrounding land have been considered as special area with a certain level of protection which is similar to a national park by the Norfolk and the Suffolk Broads Act 1988. The Broads Authority which is a special statutory authority is responsible for the management of the area which became operation in 1989. Its total area covers a space of 303 square kilometres, major part of which is in Norfolk with more than 200 kilometres being of navigable waterways.
Member of International Family of National Parks
Thirteen broads have been opened for navigation with three more having navigable channels where some of these broads have been imposed with navigation restrictions during autumn and winter season. The Broads is also a member of the international family of National Parks and its unique landscape with shallow lakes as well as rivers makes it an appropriate area for wildlife.
The Broads offers tourists a wonderful experience with its rich mixture of attraction on land and water throughout the year in the historical city of Norwich. The beautiful countryside together with many picturesque charming towns and villages, the big skies and sparkling landscape of marshland field, tangled woodlands all adds up for a perfect adventure and relaxation, a time for leisure, to reflect, explore and enjoy a time of serenity and peace away from the hectic schedules of life.
Best Way to Explore – By Boat
The best way to explore Broads is by boat and the famous Broads motor cruisers are holiday favourites since 1930. The current boats are provided with all comforts of home on board and should the tourist desire to visit during quieter or cooler month, it could be the best option for exploration. The freshness of the air, mingled with sparkling water and wide horizons during the day and the dark starry nights could give the visitors an awesome boating holiday experience on the Broads.
This location has been a boating holiday destination for many since the late 19th century and in 1878, small yachts were made available for hire from John Loynes. Being easy to access to the area by rail from London, Harry Blake in 1908, then created an agency for yachting holidays.
It has also been an important racing yachts centre since then and the design of the boats have undergone several innovative features, which include short fin keels and separate rudder and the design eventually was used on seagoing yachts since the 1960s.
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