Spain is a very beautiful country in Europe. There are many islands which come under Spanish archipelago. The Canary Islands are also one of them. Canary Island is Islas Canarias in Spanish language. This island is located on the northwest coast of mainland Africa. The Canary Island is the farthest island from Europe. There are many big and small islands which are collectively known as the Canary Island of Spain. These Islands are Tenerife, Fuerteventura, GranCanaria, Lanzarote, LaPalma, LaGomera, ElHierro, LaGraciosa, Alegranza, IsladeLobos, MontariaClara, RoqueDelEste and RoqueDelOeste. This island is the only island of Spain where a volcanic eruption is recorded in the modern era.
The beaches, climate and other natural attractions like scenery, sunrise and sunset views are the main attraction of this archipelago. You can reach this exotic island by catching a flight from any city of Europe. On this island, there are two airports on Tenerife and the Gran Canaria Airport. You can reach other island also via flight but that will cost you more. There is a Spanish company known as NavieraArmas, which provides the ferry service and takes about 45 hours to reach the Canary Island. Normally, you have to pay around 45 euros for one way journey.
This island is claimed to be the ‘Lost Islands’ of Atlantis by the Ancient legend. North Africans came here first. The ecosystem of this island was based on agriculture and animal farming. But now, the Canary Islands are modern, European and extremely liberal. The largest island of the Canary Islands is Tenerife. On this, you will find the third tallest volcano in the world which is at 3718 meters high and known as El Teide. The capital of the largest island is Santa Cruz de Tenerife. La Laguna is the third largest city of the Canary Islands and also comes in the list of World Heritage Site. There are many museums and monuments on this island.
Gran Canaria is the largest island by the population of the Canary Islands. Fuerteventura is an island which is known as the ‘Windsurfer’s Mecca’. La Gomera Island is known as the Magic Isle –walker’s paradise. This island looks like an orange in shape which has been divided in half and split into segments. El HierroIsland is known as ‘The Edge of the World’.
There are many places on this island for enjoyment and entertainment. There are many modern resorts and restaurants available on different island of the Canary Island. Tenerife Auditorium is famous for its wonderful design which was designed by the famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. You can enjoy the events and concerts in this auditorium. There is a Parrot Park known as LoroParque. This becomes the second most attractive place after mount El Tiede. Other than this, you have Tenerife Beaches, Boat trips, Big Game fishing and lots of things to do on this island. Canarian cuisine is a great mix of Spanish, Latin and African cuisines and culture. Tapas Concept is a must try there as it is considered as one of the most delicious ones.
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