Geography, climate and weather In Brazil - The Traveller


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Geography, climate and weather In Brazil

It is a federal republic divided into 26 states, federal district and five major administrative regions. 65% of the population in the South East and South

- The North: the largest region of the country and the least populated. With much of the Midwest, the North as the Legal Amazon. It is almost entirely forested.

- The Northeast: here and in the North are concentrated latifundia, vast private estates of tens of thousands of hectares. From there come the millions of landless peasants who are scrambling around the capitals of South-East, or will form the fronts of colonization and deforestation in the North and Midwest. Land of great wealth and cultural traditions, today is also a region ravaged by social deprivation.

- The Midwest: the continental shelf of the country, the geographic center of which is built the capital, Brasilia. It is divided between the arid highlands, covered with vegetation of the cerrado, and the region of swamps and tropical forests, which, east of the Rio Araguaia, the universe continues exuberant Amazon. Sparsely populated, the Midwest is also, in its western part, a land settlement of peasants from the South and Northeast, and a place of conflict for the possession of the land. The cerrado is largely devoted to cattle ranching.

- South East, which is only 10% of the country, is home to 40% of Brazilians. Heart of Brazil developed its vitality and its economic fevers, this region, where agriculture high performance of colonial origin was combined with industrial concentration, is symbolized by the power of São Paulo and Rio radiation . Country of vegetation and tropical climate, beautiful coastline and forested mountains, dotted with hot springs and inland lakes and historical sites of great beauty.

- The South is a subtropical and temperate. This is the land of the gauchos, Brazilian cowboys and rodeos churrascos (of beef grilled). Beautiful natural sites. While enjoying a cooler climate, especially in winter in the far south is a land where the black and Indian roots, utopias and the Jesuit traditions of immigrants from Central Europe have formed an amazing mix. A land where social balance, put to the test here as well, yet no one knows the sinking of the country.


Brazil is so large that it is virtually impossible to define the ideal time to travel there. The country is situated in the southern hemisphere; the seasons are reversed compared to us.

In the south, the southern summer extends from December to March. It is very hot or stuffy in Rio and São Paulo. It is not free of tropical rains, sometimes sudden and torrential. The short winter from June to September, but temperatures remain pleasant 12 ° C overnight at 25 ° C day (roughly).

In southern Brazil, the coast offers an almost Mediterranean climate: mild winters, hot summer.
- In the states of the Northeast - Bahia and Pernambuco - near the equator, heat, heavy at times from December to March, is punctuated by frequent but brief showers. Prefer the period from September to mid-December to visit this area.

- The Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul also know, during the austral summer, a rainy season floods the plains of the Pantanal. The city of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, is reputed to be one of the hottest Brazil, with temperatures around 40 ° C throughout the year.

- The Amazon is a hot, humid and rainy. In the forest, the humidity reaches 100%. There are two periods: that of the CHUV, which extends from January to June (sometimes torrential rain), and one that goes from July to December, best time to travel in the Amazon, some days escaping the rain!

1 comment:

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