Camping in Croatia’s Popular Holiday Destination Istria - The Traveller


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camping in Croatia’s Popular Holiday Destination Istria

If you are looking for an affordable holiday and the South Seas absolute feeling that Croatia is in good hands. Croatia is becoming increasingly popular. What once was for Barcelona youth is now increasingly Istria. The area offers a wonderful summer, which extends over white sandy shores. The sea is clear and peaceful, the area filled with clay and Mediterranean flair.

Vineyards lie on slopes and crickets chirp in the song their summer dusk. Istria is rustic, yet romantic, and offers not only the kidnapping of everyday life, but offers low prices. Therefore, more and younger people come here to camp in camps near the beach and spend a nice time together.

Who is actually a bit younger now, I recommend a group trip to this area. Many vendors have now focused on Istria, the area is not only beautiful but also very hospitable. If you decide for a group trip, it usually goes in the bus with other participants in the desired area. The advantage here lies in there that you will quickly find contact with peers and the holiday is not quite the spontaneous Drogue in the proverbial sand runs ... :)
But Istria is also for any other older, what campers. You just have to Bock's tents have! Here you can find additional information!

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