Health Coverage Abroad - The Traveller


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Health Coverage Abroad

In today's globalized world, we can all be called to become globetrotters. The trip over the border is almost a truism. Everyone is in a routine manner whatsoever for work, business, tourism or even studies. Accustomed as we are to our social security in concrete, we often ask ourselves how we covered during our travels. The French state has thought of his countrymen in all eventualities. French Social Security offers health coverage to the minimum by foreign countries that visit and purpose of travel (tourism, study or work).

Health Coverage in Europe

If you are traveling in a country of the EU Economic Area European or even in Switzerland, no worries. Your health problems will be supported by local health departments if you have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The application of this map is at least 15 days before your departure from your Health Insurance Fund. This card is valid for one year. If you were unable to apply on time, your body will give you a temporary certificate valid for three months.

The management of medical expenses is one of two ways:

* (i) You advance medical expenses and are reimbursed on the spot by the local social security agency (under the laws of the country where you are);

* (ii) You do not have to pay in advance and all expenses are borne by health services.

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